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Wednesday January the 15th, 2025    

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The problem is you minialloggio arises from the need to find solutions to face the scarcity of land, causing an increase in the price of housing. Of course this is not a new problem, since in Europe at the end of the First World War had already begun to theorize on this issue. Later in CIAM in 1929 in Frankfurt were proposed several solutions that remain valid today. But going beyond the traditional Japanese house with his tatamis and low tables is one of the best examples of versatility, comfort and order, already in use in 1800.
Besides the houses floating Asian and African huts by the smallness show us diafani multipurpose spaces, where towels dividers have the function of giving the intimacy; necessary, depending on the needs of the moment.
Currently, changes in social, political, economic and cultural are leading to the emergence of new models family lifestyles can undo any model housing previously defined, making more than ever necessary to introduce alternatives to rigidity of the types of accommodation inherited. The search is moving to the paths of transformability, flexibility, variability and mobility.

Elenco dei progetti:

Progetto di architettura degli interni di una villa
Particolare dell'ingresso soggiorno

Progetto di architettura degli interni di una villa
Particolare sugli accessori e arredo

Progetto di un bagno all'interno di una villa in città
Particolare del lavabo

Progetto di un bagno all'interno di una villa in città
Vista angolare del piano lavabo


Progetto residenziale in provincia di Lecce
Particoloare interno ingresso living...

Progetto residenziale in provincia di Lecce
Visione interna bagno ...

Progetto residenziale in provincia di Lecce
Visione interna bagno ....

Progetto residenziale in provincia di Lecce
Particolare interno soggiorno

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